Romancero gitano, published in 1928, is a collection of poems written by Spanish poet Federico García Lorca. Since the collection’s publication, this work has not failed to capture the attention of poets, scholars, writers, and general poetry enthusiasts the world over. This project is a collection of personal translations and analyses of each poem within the work as part of a senior thesis idea I embarked upon in Spring 2010 to discover an underlying theme is Lorca’s work: Roma identity. In addition to publishing the final manuscript in both English and Spanish, I decided to have this blog available to document my thoughts, translations, and analyses (also in English and Spanish). I hope you enjoy and find this useful. All the best!
A ver. Publicó en el año 1928, Romancero gitano es una colección de poesía escritó por el poeta español, Federico García Lorca. Desde se publicó la colección, esta obra tenía éxito en llamar la atención de varios poetas, eruditos, escritores y entusiastas generales de la poesía en todo el mundo. Este proyecto es una colección de traducciones mías junto con un análisis de cada poema que, juntos, son partes de una tesis mía que empecé yo en la primavera 2010 para descubrir un tema subyacente: la identidad del gitano. Decidí crear este blog, además de escribir el manuscrito en inglés y castellano, para compartir con Ustedes mis pensamientos, traducciones, y el análisis de cada poema. ¡Espero que Uds. les guste! ¡Gracias!
Abel was a keeper of sheep, Cain a tiller of the ground. That is, the first was a nomad and the second a sedentary. The quarrel of Cain and Abel has gone on from generation to generation, from the beginning of time down to our own day, as the atavistic opposition between nomads and sedentaries, or more exactly as the persistent persecution of the first by the second. And this hatred is far from extinct. It survives in the infamous and degrading regulations imposed on the gypsies, treated as if they were criminals, and flaunts itself on the outskirts of villages with the sign telling them to ‘move on.’The Ogre, Michael Tournier
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