Abel was a keeper of sheep, Cain a tiller of the ground. That is, the first was a nomad and the second a sedentary. The quarrel of Cain and Abel has gone on from generation to generation, from the beginning of time down to our own day, as the atavistic opposition between nomads and sedentaries, or more exactly as the persistent persecution of the first by the second. And this hatred is far from extinct. It survives in the infamous and degrading regulations imposed on the gypsies, treated as if they were criminals, and flaunts itself on the outskirts of villages with the sign telling them to ‘move on.’
The Ogre, Michael Tournier

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about / de qué se trata

Here you'll find the ins and outs of the project - what I will refer to as the "recipe book" for the thesis, including the version of the text used, my statement of purpose, the justification, my literature review, methods, description of final project, and a bibliography / Aquí Ud. puede saber de cabo a rabo los detalles del proyecto, lo que yo llamaré el "libro de cocina" para la tesis, incluyendo la versión del texto que usé, la declaración de propósito, la justificación, la reseña literaria, los métodos, una descripción del proyecto final y la bibliografía.

Image Source

  • version of Romancero gitano used / la versión de Romancero gitano que usé 
    • García Lorca, Federico. Romancero Gitano. 12th ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 1943

all the links below open in GoogleDocs /
todos los enlaces abajo abren en GoogleDocs

    • statement of purpose / la declaración de propósito
    • justification / la justificación
    • literature review / la reseña literaria
    • methods / los métodos 
    • description of final project / una descripción del proyecto final
    • bibliography / la bibliografía